AgentSafe for Real Estate has developed two checklists - one is the PSR checklist, which is to be filled out by the owner of the property to help identify any prescribed material facts that may pose a significant health or safety risk – including any non-compliance. The other is the WHS checklist, which is to be filled out by the property agent to help prevent work-related injury and illness. Both these checklists can be uploaded and stored in the miscellaneous area of AgentSafe. This evidence is to be used to show that the property, the means of entering and exiting the property and anything arising from the property are without risks to the health and safety of any person.
One way to maxmise the use of AgentSafe is to enter one property at a time, while recording any issues documented or marked down on the checklists. AgentSafe auto generates a compliance report, that can be emailed to an owner for their records. You can also create a work order and setup a notification email to trigger the non-compliance report and register. This risk register or notification report contains a history of all jobs created, the actions taken to minimise or eliminate hazards - including any rectification of non-compliance with health and safety laws.
Users are also advised to avoid bulk uploading all properties into AgentSafe, as this can cause unnecessary delays managing tasks and issues in relation to non-compliance.
If you wish to use your mobile device to fill out a checklist, you will need to download a pdf app on your phone or tablet. There are some really good apps to fill pdf forms on Android and iPhone such as; PDF expert, PDF Max 5 Pro, Smart Forms, Adobe Fill & Sign and GoodNotes 4.
AgentSafe is the first real estate compliance software in Australia, that incorporates the following functionalties:
- property management compliance (to meet property safety standards)
- general maintenance management (to help maintain a property's functionality)
- work health and safety (to protect people at workplaces from risk to their health or safety)
- and coming soon, are the due diligence measures for real estate professionals to meet their obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Act.
To request a demo of the software, please complete the fields on this page.
For further information call us today on (02) 4001 0128 or download our registration form from the menu bar to subscribe to AgentSafe.
WARNING: If you are using a maintenance management software that integrates with accounting software, we advise to conduct an audit to ensure you are achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance, and to avoid any legal problems that may arise in the course of providing professional services.